Rekkles to swap to support, verbal agreement reached between him and FNATIC

Carl Martin „Rekkles“ Erik Larsson has previously played for FNATIC before leaving to join rival G2.
Picture: Riot Games
Karmine Corp bot laner Carl Martin „Rekkles“ Erik Larsson has reached a verbal agreement to rejoin his fomer org FNATIC for the 2023 season. The move sees the 2022 Spring EU Masters winner roleswap to support, to team up with former rival Elias „Upset“ Lipp.
Rekkles future has previously been uncertain. He has been linked with strong teams such as Vitality, MAD or Team Heretics, as well as other teams such as Team BDS or EXCEL.
„If I had a nickel for everytime FNATIC took me back after I joined their biggest rival I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it has happened twice now.‘
Rekkles on rejoining FNATIC
The idea of Bwipo Rekkles re-rolling to a jungler supporter has been discussed many times in the past few years. These discussions have taken place not just with Bwipo Rekkles himself, but with coaches, management and the wider playing staff who all believe in his ability to perform in this position.
Rekkles‘ natural fit for the role was seen a few splits ago, where he performed one of the most eye-catching plays in our LEC game against G2, using his Karma ultimate to take out former G2 botlaner Perkz in a crucial team fight.
FNATIC has had an above average year, as they have not been completly embarassed by G2 this time around. Instead, they have fallen before they even had the chance to face off against them. They did manage to make up for the lack of complete and utter fan disappointment by losing to Cloud9 at Worlds though.